First off, apologies for posting this later than expected. Life, my work situation, and technical difficulties all played a part. So, what exactly is “syncretism”? You’ve read the article, and you may have heard some definitions already from my group-mates. But since our presentations have been split up by the circumstances, you’ll have to hear a little more from me. Sorry, bear with me here. Basically, syncretism seems to be a blending of different points of view. Different cultures, languages or religions meet, and as they influence each other, a sort of hybrid is born. For anthropologists, the word can have a lot of baggage and different connotations - see the assigned article by Charles Stewart for a detailed breakdown of all this. But there are two main interpretations that I took away from that article: syncretism can either be 1. “a term of abuse applied to castigate,” for instance, colonial churches who allowed their Christianity to be “indigenized” r...