Comparisons Between Curanderismo and Our Readings

Comparisons Between Curanderismo and Our Readings

By: Loraine Guerrero

How Healers Came to Be

In Curanderismo, they largely promote the idea that everyone has the potential to be their own healer. Thus, the way their healers come to be is dependent on what the person does, what they realize and believe in, and them being guided on how to use their new powers. Since, everyone has the potential to be a healer for themselves and others, other people who are not necessarily Latin can still be a healer as well. Another reading that also displays a similar idea is in the "Hell and Back" reading, written by Kira Salak. We read about how an individual named Hamilton who is from California becomes a shamanic healer. His journey started with him calling out to his God. After doing this, he was able to recognize that other spirits and worlds exist out there. By listening to what these spirits were telling him, he went to South America and sought out the guidance of shamans. After going through the process, he became a head shamanic healer. As a result, what must be understood is that an individual's race or culture does not limit them from realizing their own healing powers.

What Healers May Experience

            In Curanderismo, some of the healers practice entering the spiritual realm and may not have complete control over the body. This can be dangerous for the healer and the client if a spirit that does not have good intentions takes over. The practice is performed when a healer goes into a trance and permits their body to be used, so that they can perform healings. Thus, the healer must be strong and brave enough to be able to have control over their body while they are in a trance. We also see a similar practice and responsibility being mentioned in the "Shamanism and San Pedro Through Time" reading, which was written by Bonnie Glass-Coffin. Healers in this culture also have the responsibility of being the mediator between the different worlds. They call out to the spirits and in some cases, the spirits may even take control over the healer’s body to transmit a message. Healers from both communities can possess and use this power to help the people that are in the human world. 

Getting Rid of Bad Energy

          In Curanderismo, if healers take notice of their client experiencing specific symptoms that may involve spiritual aspects, then they will perform a barrida that helps them eliminate the negative energy. One object that the healer can use to perform the barrida is an egg. The healer will rub the egg and pray, while doing so on their client. By doing this the healer is intending to absorb the evil energy into the egg. Once they are done, the healer will crack the egg into water and see what it looks like. If the egg is no longer raw and instead looks cooked, then the healer knows that the barrida was a success. A similar type of practice can be seen with the Runakunas, which was mentioned in the ethnography, "The Hold Life Has" by Catherine J. Allen. However, the object that the paqo uses to cleanse the person is a black guinea pig instead of an egg or plant. Once their ritual is done, they would know if it was done right if the guinea pig ends up dying. Both of these practices remove the evil energy into a vessel of some sort to help their client.

Connected with Earth

            Many healers in Curanderismo are concerned about individuals forgetting and neglecting their connections with Earth. They believe that the people continue to take from the Earth, but are not restoring what they used. The connection between nature and the practice of healing is strongly interrelated and can affect the individual. Therefore, many healers are striving to give back to nature and are afraid of losing their connection. This also sounds familiar in the Andean culture that is mentioned in the “The Hold Life Has”. The Runakunas also value what Pacha Mama offers them in order to live and make a living. Thus, they give Earth offerings because they believe that the Earth watches over their people and nurtures them. Both of these cultures treasure and value their connection with Earth in several ways, without this connection both could suffer tremendously.  

Importance of the Water Element

                In Curanderismo, water is an important element for healers. Healers believe that flowing water helps cleanse people of evil or a mal puesto. Water helps cleanse individuals of evil because water is another source that can connect to other worlds and spirits. We also see how the abundant flow of water was an important aspect in the reading, "Shamanism and San Pedro Through Time". The importance of water for shamanism can be seen since the Chavin temple complex existed. As time passed, the aspects of water, the San Pedro cactus, ancestral calling, agriculture, and more have helped establish Shamanism in Northern Peru.


  1. I did notice some of these comparisons while doing the reading but I didn't remember them so thank you for putting together different readings and comparing them to this reading on Curanderismo. Great job!

  2. Great job Loraine, you did a splendid job relying that information!
    I found it so interesting that they would use an egg to get all of that evil out of them. It would be awesome to see one of these performed in real life.

  3. I read the part where healers use eggs for a barrida and after if the egg is cooked then negative energy is absorbed and how energy is work and heat and I was visualizing the egg getting literally cooked with this energy and am fascinated. This is well written and I enjoyed reading this.


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