Visions and Stones

A Look into Korean Shamanism and Rock Divination - Stanley Baran

Korean shamans that practice divination use many tools to give readings, possibly the most interesting being the use of rocks and stones to grant wishes. Korean shamans also incorporate many cultural aspects into their readings, such as their belief in gods and also zodiac and age calendars.

Musindo (Gods)

Shamans often keep many paintings and statues of musindo, or gods, in their houses. Their gods symbolize many objects in nature, such as mountains and also the sun and moon. During readings, shamans often utilize their many paintings and statues of their gods to channel their energy. In addition, shamans believe that their god's spiritual power allows them to better connect with their clients, allowing them to perform more accurate and thorough readings. 


Shamans in Korea often use charts to determine their clients' fate and characteristics. The above chart is specifically used to find out a client's saju, which is a certain path that gives the reader certain insights to their client's personality. Notice, there are four pillars for time, day, month, and year and also eight corresponding Chinese characters. A reader will determine a "path" for their client by choosing favorable pillars, which the reader will verify by conversing with their client. Sometimes, shamans use a simplified chart that is based off of the client's horoscope. Although different, the chart still allows the reader to determine their client's qualities that they need to perform an accurate reading. 

Use of Nature

In order for Shamans to maintain their ability to perform accurate divination readings, they must "recharge" their powers by going into nature and meditating. During this time, they often channel their energies from the gods and spirits that they believe in. For example, a Shaman might call upon their mountain god while meditating in order to maintain a strong connection to their spiritual power. 

Element of Chance

A key aspect to a Korean divination reading is the use of the element of chance. A reader does not claim to know everything about their client as soon as they enter their shop. Shamans use certain rituals, such as throwing grains of rice and counting how many land on a table to determine certain qualities about their client. The use of chance is necessary for a shaman to determine how their spirits and gods are affecting the reading so that they can channel their energies for the client's benefit. 

Rocks and Stones

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Korean divination is their use of rocks and stones to grant wishes to their clients. During a reading, a shaman will take their client over to their selection of stones that they use for divination. The shaman will ask their client to think of a wish while putting their hand over the stone. After the shaman performs a ritual, the client must try to lift the stone. If the stone is exceedingly heavy, that means that their wish has been embedded within the rock and will come true. 


Shamanism & Divination in Contemporary Korea,, October 12, 2011

In 21st-century Korea, shamanism is not only thriving — but evolving,, March 1, 2018

In the age of the Internet, Korean shamans regain popularity,, July 6, 2007

Visions and Stones: Spirit Matters and the Charm
of Small Things in South Korean Shamanic
Rock Divination, Anthropology and Humanism, 2015


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