Raves and the Culture of Healing Behind it
Raves and the Culture of Healing Behind it
May 08, 2020
What is Raving?
Raving began in the
early 1980’s and quickly evolved by the emergence of techno music in Europe. The
way many people who aren’t very educated on the topic would describe it is an
organized dance party at a nightclub, an outdoor festival or even a warehouse
with a DJ playing electronic music. Now that’s not completely wrong, but raves
can go a lot deeper for many who are invested in the culture of raving and the music,
family, and traditions that brings joy to so many. Rave culture is an important
part in today’s art, music, and literature, as it not only impacts the economy
but also brings together thousands of people to an event where memories are
made, friendships are kindled, and love is found. Music has a big impact on the
culture but it isn’t all about the music, some different aspects that go into it
are communities, fashion, and drugs.
PLUR Community
PLUR what
does it stand for and why is it relevant to this community/culture? First let’s
explain PLUR: (P)eace, (L)ove, (U)nity, and (R)espect. These words come from
years and years of practice at festivals, events and everyday life. In the rave
community being PLUR is very important because at these events there is an
ideal that you aren’t judged for who you are, how you act, or dress. These
events are looked at for some as a healing or even a get away from reality and that’s
why the emphasis on PLUR is so important because the community wants all people
from all backgrounds and ways of life to be accepted and just feel loved in
this moment and time that they are in. A special tradition that goes on in the
community is the passing of Kandi from one raver to another. Kandi is the
bracelets made of pony beads or stones that people trade. (Kandi Etiquette, EDM
Identity Website, 2020”). The way this
is done is by doing a handshake which is called the “PLUR Handshake” and both
people will receive a “Kandi” and both will trade a “Kandi” to one another as
almost an exchange of friendship or an act of love. PLUR runs deep in this
culture and to receive the PLUR handshake is almost like an initiation into the
community, but anyone can do it and can be performed many times. PLUR runs deep
and for some its meaning has brought them healing, love and a feeling of
acceptance in the world.
The rave
community has always been about expressing yourself and for many fashion is a
big way of doing that. Some individuals grow, heal and embrace their identity
by dressing how they feel and receiving nothing but acceptance in this
community. In a research project done by a group of psychologist about clothing
and psychological processing they concluded that “Enclothed Cognition triggers
a psychological change when wearing certain clothes.” (“Enclothed Cognition,
Science Direct Website, 2020”). This research showed that when you wear
clothing that you feel accepted in your mood becomes more positive and reflects
your true feelings. In the early 1990’s raving
clothing was mostly based on functionality and trends at that time. For many, a
popular clothing item for getting ready for a rave consisted of phat pants,
which are pants that fit tight at the waist and get progressively bigger as
they go down. These pants would come in many different designs such as
lightning bolts, checkers, tie-die and almost any pattern you could think of.
Phat pants were also great for holding things since they had big pockets and
lots of space for items which made them very functional. For others, they would
wear boiler suits, big visors, and lots of makeup but just like all things in
fashion trends die out and new ones arise. In today’s day and age of raving
fashion consist of many different types of clothing. For many it’s a more edgy
look with minimal clothing, for others it’s all about comfort and for some it’s
about a funny or cute onesie. Some popular accessories worn are glitter, face jewelry,
mask and bandanas. Glitter can be found all over a person’s face, chest or even
covering their whole body whereas face jewelry is commonly seen on a person’s
face in different shapes and sizes. Mask and bandanas are a popular item as
well because at times the event or festival you are at could be windy or the
ground could be full of dust and these items are a good way of blocking out and
protecting yourself from getting dust in your mouth and nose. Fashion in raving
culture has always and will continue to be a big impact on people and the industry
as it allows for people to be who they want.
Now, before
we go deeper in you must understand that drugs are not required or even a
necessity to enjoy or be part of the rave community. But, drugs are taken at
events and at times certain drugs have been known to heal and help people grow,
understand certain paths they are on and enhance their everyday life. Before
you listen to society and the government about how harmful and bad these drugs
are you must take into consideration the multiple test and studies about the
positive impacts certain drugs have had on many people who suffer from PTSD,
depression, addictions and cancer related problems. There are many studies but
for a quick example in a study done by Michael Mithoefer M.D. on MDMA-Assisted
Psychotherapy for PTSD they explained that when ministered a small dosage it
allowed for patients to express and open up to therapist in different exercises
thus causing a bigger impact on relieving stress and trauma occurred from PTSD.
(“Research, MAPS website, 2020”). Some of the most common drugs consumed or
smoked at raves are MDMA, magic mushrooms, ketamine, and LSD. MDMA is one of
the most popular drugs taken at raves, it is commonly known as “Molly” or “Ecstasy”
and it works by causing a greater release of serotonin into the brain and this
can transition into a mood-elevating effect making people very happy, loving
and emotional. (“MDMA, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2020”). Molly is a
popular drug of choice because of that release of serotonin giving you that
feeling of liberation and happiness and this enhances your ability to listen
and vibe with the music giving you that sense of unity and love around you. A
problem with these drugs is that they are illegal in the U.S. and other
countries and people when trying to get their hands on it can’t always get real
or authentic drugs and when getting it they have a chance of it being cut with
something else. If law makers would give these drugs a chance and allow people
to buy in safe dosages, we would see less and less deaths from fake and harmful
conclusion, the rave community has so much to offer and more than just music.
The community brings happiness, understanding, and life changing memories. With
anything in life, you have to just give it a chance and give it everything you
have to really understand and grow from these experiences. In the end, rave
culture and its community is a healing and powerful way to change your life.

By: Dylan Correa
Work Cited:
Adam, Hajo, and Adam D.
Galinsky. “Enclothed Cognition.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,
Academic Press, 21 Feb. 2012,
Mithoefre, Michael.
“MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD (Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy).”
MAPS, 2019, maps.org/research/mdma/ptsd/conjoint-therapy.
National Institute on Drug
Abuse. “What Are MDMA's Effects on the Brain?” NIDA, 2015,
Tessene, Jessica, et al.
“Kandi Etiquette: The Guide to Trading for First Timers.” EDM Identity,
24 Mar. 2018, edmidentity.com/2018/03/24/kandi-etiquette-trading-guide/.
Really enjoyed reading this, your images are so vivid and give a great visual presentation about what you just explained.