Classrooms Are Closed. Now What?

Presentations without an audience make no sense.

For those who still have presentations to complete, there are new parameters geared to our newly online classroom. Most importantly, this assignment is no longer a presentation

A few things about the assignment will remain the same:

1.     Your grade is still individual

2.     You are not required to work as a group[1]

3.     Focus on one aspect/section of the reading and build on it with your own research

4.     It should include relevant visual elements

5.     It should be shared with your classmates

So, what is the assignment now? Good news! You have options!

Option 1: Write an online-style article

Think about the kinds of posts you read online. They are informative without using too many words. Plan on having 5 sections with obvious sub-headings (see how I’ve been modeling this here?) and at least one relevant image for each section. Mark Nichol offers excellent tips

Option 2: Create an infographic

With an infographic, you will use symbols and simple illustrations instead of photographs, and you will limit text to the fewest possible words to get your point across. Piktochart and Canva both offer excellent free infographic templates. Stick with a theme and provide 12 data points about your theme. Neil Patel’s tips are great. Just ignore the stuff about wanting your post to go viral. 

Share with your class

Post your article or infographic on our shared blog. All of you are registered as authors. If you completed this requirement before the shift to online instruction, engage by adding questions or comments to your peer’s submission.

Bonus: New skill!

Once you’re done, you can add “trained in developing web content” to your resume!

[1] At a minimum, check in with the others assigned to the same reading to make sure you are splitting it up properly.


  1. As for the due date, just plan on posting sometime by Thursday afternoon of the week you were scheduled to present. That way we can still try to read/quiz/blog on the same topics on the same-ish timeframe.

  2. If we choose to do the online style article, where do we post the article? (What website)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You log in to Blogger ( and click on NEW POST. Thanks for asking.

  3. Would it be okay if we turned it in before week of the due date?

  4. Hello,
    I have a question. Do we have to reply to every blog post that we read? :)
    Thank you!

  5. Hi,
    I'm having troubles posting my infographic. I sent you an email, but I thought I would post here too just in case

    Thank you!!!


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